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Where Our Mustangs Come From

What is an HMA?

HMA is a Herd Management Area which are sectioned out and managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The BLM manages wild horses and burros in 177 herd management areas across 10 western states. Each HMA is unique in its terrain features, local climate, and natural resources, just as each herd is unique in its history, genetic heritage, coloring, and size distribution. The two HMA's that we currently have the most horses from are South Steens, OR and Paisley Desert, OR.

More About Paisley Desert

  • Consists of 271,667 acres in middle Oregon.

  • Herd is known for genetic similarities with the gaited North American breeds such as Morgan, Saddlebred, and Kentucky Mountain Horse.

  • Wide variety of colors and average heights of 14-16 hands.

  • Sheeprock and St. Patrick's Mountain are prominent features of the Paisley Desert HMA.

  • Our horses from Paisley Desert are Crush, Pippi, Mello, Paisley, and Jolene.

More About South Steens

  • Consists of 127,608 acres in southeast Oregon.

  • Herd is known for pinto colored horses with above average confirmation ranging from 14-16 hands.

  • This HMA is harsh with very cold winters and dry, hot summers.

  • It is in a rugged high desert country and is characterized by extremely rocky surfaces, canyons, rimrocks, and plateaus.

  • Our horses from South Steens are Denali, Mesa, and Riley.

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