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Our MLP Students
MLP students serve as the inspiration for our program and have demonstrated a sincere commitment to the program’s standards. Each girl enters the program with her own unique background experiences, fears, and goals for the future—and each girl who completes the program is poised to achieve her goals with improved self-confidence, self-esteem, and leadership skills.
Current Students

Brianna [c/o 2024]
My name is Brianna Womble, and I am in the class of 2024. My personal goal for the future is to become successful. I have no set-in stone plans after high school other than attending the University of Tennessee- Chattanooga. I have no set major or career in mind but I hope to find my interests through classes I will take in college. When I started MLP, my goal was to gain confidence. With graduation approaching, I believe I have become better at self-advocating, compassion, and empathy. My journey at MLP has made me a true leader. I use these skills daily, and will continue to use them for years to come.
Floating Paisley's teeth

Coryuna [c/o 2029]
My name is Cory’una Pitner, and I am in the class of 2028. I still don’t know what career I want to pursue or my plans after high school. In the near future, I want to get all A’s at least once. I hope to accomplish that by studying hard and attending tutoring. I’ve been in MLP for two years and have learned many things in this program, such as, patience and leadership. Working with wild horses has made me feel sympathy because they help me connect with the reality of the world. My goal for MLP is to speak out more. My favorite horse is Bella, because of how docile and easily taught she is.
Happiness after riding

Post-round pen reward
Elyzah [c/o 2024]
My name is Elyzah Smith, and I am in the class of 2024. I have been in MLP for seven years now. After high school, I will attend Middle Tennessee State University’s College of Liberal Arts. I will major in Vocal Performance. After college, I hope to pursue a successful music career. While in MLP, I hope to gain and leave with the necessary foundation to be a successful leader. I have learned many lifelong skills and in these last couple months I hope to grow in each aspect. I have learned self-control, patience, and confidence. While I am still working to be better at these skills, I know that strengthening these tools will set me up for success. MLP has instilled in me the capability to lead a confident and professional life.

Helen [c/o 2027]
My name is Helen Ramirez, and I am in the class of 2027. My personal goal for the future is to attend college and become an esthetician. My goal for MLP is to learn as much as I can about how to ride and communicate with the horses. MLP has helped me become more confident in myself and in being able to speak up more.
Groundwork with Amis

Leading Bella with poise
Juana [c/o 2029]
My name is Juana Tzun Lopez, and I am in the class of 2028. After high school I want to go to college to study law with the goal of becoming a lawyer. I would like to have a steady life after college in the future. I want to learn how to build a good relationship with the horses in MLP by letting myself be confident while working with them. So far, working with the wild horses has taught me to be patient and understanding even when things don’t go as I expect. Working with the mustangs has made me feel a sense of joy, and taught me to change my emotions based on the atmosphere. It has also made it easier to understand the emotions of others. Learning how to understand the emotions of myself and others can help in my future careers by calming the emotions of my clients just as I do with the horses.

Behind the scenes
Karladelay [c/o 2024]
My name is Karladalay Navarro Rueda, and I am in the class of 2024. I plan to major in psychology and Latin studies. As for a career, I am currently undecided. I wish to get my doctorate in psychology and go from there. One of my accomplishments in MLP was speaking up about the mustang round-ups happening in the U.S. I am very interested in working at liberty with the horses and would like to continue that training. I would like to improve my leadership skills. Working with the horses has made me more aware of my attitude when approaching tasks. It has also taught me that communication is vital in any situation. This experience has helped me identify my emotions more precisely. The skills that I have learned in MLP will help me pave the path that I choose to make.

Raquel [c/o 2027]
My name is Raquel Navarro, and I am in the class of 2027. I plan on continuing my education after high school, and pursuing a career in becoming a pediatrician. This is my second year in MLP and I want to learn to become a great leader. This would be effective in working in my future career field because it would help me with my communication and leadership skills. When working with wild horses at first, it made me a bit scared. As I kept working with them, I became more comfortable around them. As I continue in the MLP program, I hope that I can continue to improve my confidence and be a great leader to others in the future.
Grooming with Bella

Serenity [c/o 2027]
My name is Serenity, and I attend CGLA. I want to graduate at the top of my class and attend Michigan State University. I aim to maintain a healthy relationship with the horses and people in MLP. In the future, I want to be a vet so learning about horses in MLP pushes me closer to achieving this goal. My favorite horse is Crush because he is very cute.
Oregon Wild Horse Brand

Tacking Satin with confidence
Tauheedah [c/o 2024]
My name is Tauheedah Brady, and I am in the class of 2024. I plan to attend a four-year university in order to pursue my engineering degree. I want to accomplish a successful and smooth career in the engineering world. While in the MLP program, I want to establish a steady flow of confidence while working with the horses. I want to improve mt skills of riding, leading, and choreography. Working with the wild horses has taught me that you have to be confident in yourself in order to succeed. In addition, I have learned that in order to cooperate with others successfully, you have to trust each other and have a good attitude. Working with horses makes me feeling happy, and applying what I learned in MLP will open a pathway to success for me in my future endeavors.

Ready to back Amis
Zaire [c/o 2029]
My name is Zaire Cunningham, and I am in the class of 2029. My current goals are to be a lawyer, broker, and a professional boxer, like my uncle. When I graduate from high school, I plan to go to Michigan State University to pursue a degree in criminology. What I want for my future is to be an amazing boxer, while exploring other parts of the world with my mom. In MLP, I would like to be able to understand the horse’s feelings more and remain calm at all times. I want to get better at leading the horses with Elyzah, my mentor. What I learn in MLP could really help when applying for a job or getting ready for a big speech because, if I feel nervous, the training I have received in MLP will help me stay calm. Working with the horses has taught me to remain calm and look on the brighter side of things, especially when having a bad day.

Alexis [c/o 2023]
I am Alexis and attend Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy. I have been in MLP since 2016. I’ve learned a lot about myself while working with horses. Initially, when I began to visit the farm and meet the mustangs, I had very little patience and was quick to blame the horse if something went wrong. This year, I have tried extra hard to stay focused and think about the horse’s needs more than mine. Not only am I improving my attitude towards the horses but also my friends. I have better self-control; therefore, I am able to reap the many benefits of learning how to be successful in life. MLP has been a great opportunity for me, and I am so thankful for this experience and Ms. Sue Anne. I love being at MLP.

Aniyah [c/o 2022]
I am Aniyah and attend Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy. I began attending Mustang Leadership Partners (MLP) in 2017. I have learned so much these past years in MLP. Satin, a 1999 grulla mustang mare, has taught me a lot during our time together, especially about leadership. She has made me have good posture and sit proudly in the saddle. She has helped me to be positive in difficult situations. When I first became a student at MLP, I was overwhelmed by the information thrown at me by the mustangs and the instructors. I finally realized through Satin that to be successful, I have to know what I can do.
Brittney [c/o 2018]

Unlike some of the other students who admit to being scared and uncertain when they first started the program, Brittney has been full of excitement and anticipation from the beginning. For as long she can remember, she has wanted to learn how to do two things: play the piano and ride horses. Now she is finally able to pursue her dream, and along the way she is learning that she has even more interests and talents. She says that MLP is “one of the best things that I’ve joined in CGLA other than robotics.” When Brittney finishes high school, she plans to earn a degree in a science field (as yet undetermined) and minor in a social science. And this program is excellent preparation. She explains, “The horses are just like people, really – they’re just a lot bigger. They all have their own sort of personalities and they all are different and special in their own way. They all have something about them that makes them unique. Especially when you look into their eyes, you can see it!” Brittney loves every aspect of the MLP program – from the one-on-one time with the horses, to the trainers who explain things well and are very supportive. Beyond giving her something productive to do, she says that the program has helped her learn and accomplish so many things: “I’m most proud of accomplishing just getting here and being able to learn all these things that I probably wouldn’t have been able to learn if this program wasn’t open….This program really gives you a chance to accomplish those things that you really wish you could do – because I’ve always wanted to do this.” She is thankful to the trainers who have served as mentors and to the MLP leaders for “putting together this program for our school…and just for really taking care of us.”

Christina [c/o 2021]
My name is Christina and I attend Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy. I started MLP in 2014. I have set many goals for myself; a few of them are: attending college and graduate school, excel in lacrosse, maintain the highest GPA in my class, be the best I can be regardless of challenges ahead. I strive to be a leader to my my peers, and new people I may meet; MLP inspires me to do so. It’s not something that you can just walk in and do. You have to work hard every time you are with the Mustangs. Sahara, my favorite, doesn’t ever let me forget that. She tests my strengths to the max, challenges me mentally and physically. You must prove to her that you ARE the leader. She can sense when I’ve had a bad day or am nervous about something and will take advantage of my distracted behavior by refusing to listen to what I have to say. She assertively reminds me I need to focus on only her. Sahara and the other horses at MLP have changed my perspective on life and its challenges.

Kasidey [c/o 2019]
I attend Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy and have been in Mustang Leadership Partners for five years. The first time I rode a mustang I was very stiff in my ride, but now I can easily allow myself to relax while still having a great posture. My personal goals are to go to college and complete my two undergraduate years at UTC, then get my doctorate degree in character design and storyboard at the Savannah College of Art and Design (in Georgia). Throughout my college years, I will be minoring in Spanish and Modern Japanese.

Mya [c/o 2020]
My name is Mya, and attend Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy. This is my fourth year at Mustang Leadership Partners (MLP). I’ve learned really special things about the wild american mustang, especially Amis and how he survived in the wild in Oregon. MLP has taught me so many skills: leadership, patience, confidence, and teamwork. I’m really thankful for the experience. My life goals consist of getting a degree in Biochemistry at the University of Tennessee Knoxville and becoming a Forensic Scientist. Being part of MLP will help me achieve my personal goals because I am learning how to persevere when the “going gets tough”.
Vinceia [c/o 2016]

VC has been a student at CGLA since the school opened. The first time she visited the farm she was scared because the horses were so big, but she wanted to participate in MLP to learn more about the horses. Having been involved in the MLP program for quite some time, she is no longer scared, she loves being around the horses, and she serves as an excellent example for the younger students. She says that the program has helped her deal with her fears – not just with the horses, but in other areas of life where she meets challenges (like in math class!). She now knows how to face challenges: meet them head-on, process them, and then make an effort to overcome them. “I like that it is challenging and pushes you in certain ways,” she says. VC would like to be a veterinarian or a pediatrician when she grows up, and MLP is helping her and informing her decision more each week. She particularly likes working with the horses Breeze, Narci, and Chief. She advises, “You should treat your horse with respect so that it will do what you ask.” She also likes helping the younger MLP students, acting as a mentor. Whether working with horses or fellow students, VC knows the importance of having confidence in herself. She acknowledges that in the MLP program, “you have to show leadership,” and she certainly displays her leadership abilities well. She has now graduated from MTSU and is working as a......

Yesenia [c/o 2023]
I am Yesenia and attend Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy. 2019 was my first year in the Mustang Leadership program. I am very timid but inquisitive in whatever challenges I take on; the wild horses and their large size (compared to me, I am VERY petit) and at times unpredictable behavior certainly encourage me to quickly come out of my shell. Every mustang is unique just like my friends and family, so I have to spend time with each one to understand his/her behavior and quirks. I don’t yet have a favorite. I look forward to becoming a very confident leader with the wild horses by the end of this year.

Yhara [c/o 2019]
I am a student at the Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy and have been a member of MLP since 2012. I have gained leadership, communication, and presentation skills that I never knew I even had until I became immersed in this wild horse program. Through MLP, I have had the privilege to travel to other states like Texas, Ohio, and Washington D.C. to showcase and bring awareness to the wild horse. I have also developed strong bonds and friendships with people and horses alike.

Annie [c/o 2012]

April [c/o 2012]

Charlia [c/o 2016]

Keosha [c/o 2016]

Stacie [c/o 2012]